Friday, March 17, 2006

The final countdown

Well, in case you haven't heard, we have our official C-Section date & time. Just to refresh everyone's memories my original due date was April 18. Then, the specialist maintained my date as the 18th, but my ob said it was the 24th. Then, a couple weeks ago, the doctors said that they would schedule the surgery for the first week in April. So, to give time for the amnio and life, we were planning on April 5. However, on Wednesday, when we went to the specialist, he said that with thyroid problems, there is a higher stillborn death rate the further you get into the pregnancy, on top of everything else that happened with Lauren increases the further we get too. So we came away from the appointment with a new date of March 29. I then had to see my ob doc, who will be doing the surgery, to schedule the surgery time. However, the nurses had to figure out some stuff & call me with the time later. All that to say that the nurse called this morning to say that the doc didn't have any openings on the 29th or 30th & the 31st is his day off, so the surgery had to be the 28th @ 11:00 AM. Although it's sooner than we planned, it makes it easy to remember our kids' birthdays- Lauren September 28 & now March 28- which, if you do the math, is exactly 18 months after Lauren was born. Is it just me, or did this pregnancy go by faster than life?!


Kelley said...

Cool! I can't wait to see him! Though, its just too bad you couldn't wait until two weeks from Monday! That would have been a great date! ;)

Sher said...

I can't believe that it will be exactly 18 months from the birth of Lauren. This pregnancy did go by fast for us at least. :) Can't wait to meet our new nephew. We're praying for all of you and hoping everything goes well.

Love, Sher