Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Finally Home

Not to be out done by his big sister, Ryan decided to stay in the NICU for a full week (Lauren also spent 1 week in the NICU). We were able to bring him home today. He's doing quite well, he's sleeping a lot (thankfully) and generally doing what newborn's do--eat, sleep, and..you know (but not necessarily in that order). As promised, here are more pictures.

This is the same hat in which we put Lauren when she came home from the hospital.


Kari said...

I am SO glad that Ryan was able to come home today! He is so adorable, and Lauren looks happy to be a big sister! Great family picture, by the way!!! Love you all!

fressman & family said...

Awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing them with us. I'm trying to remember what Lauren looked like when she was in that same. Can you post that pic sometime? Glad to hear everybody is doing well. We're looking forward to seeing Ryan in person sometime.

Sher said...

I love the new pictures. Thanks for sharing. I love Lauren's face in the pictures. Too cute. Glad everyone's finally home together.