Sunday, June 25, 2006

Misc. pix

Lauren has hit the copy-cat stage in life. I have caught her in the bathroom several times getting Q-tips out of the trash and cleaning out her ears after I have just finished doing so. Then, Thursday, I had just finished doing my eyebrows, but instead of putting the tweezers away, I just left them on the counter. I walked back in the bathroom to see Lauren almost poking out her eye with the tweezers. Finally, later on Thursday, I was taking Ryan's temp. As is the tradtion with small babies, I took it rectally. Well, I finished taking his temp and changing his diaper when I looked over and Lauren was sitting next to me legs spread apart trying to take her temp, too, through her diaper. It's insane.


Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! Sounds like she is lots of fun!

Dan said...

It always comes around to this!

Sher said...

Cute Pics!!

Blakemore Family said...

Ryan is getting so big! I think he looks like you, especially across the eyes.
Maybe Lauren had a stray brow that needed plucking. Can't blame a girl for trying to look her best! :-)