Thursday, June 01, 2006

Our gaurdian angel has broken wings

Today, we saw God work in a wonderful way, but our gaurdian angels weren't too happy about it. I almost went grocery shopping yesterday, but the kids were crying too much, so I decided not to. Instead I had to do it today. Well, I was on my way back from WalMart & Ryan was screaming his head off. I was just going to wait until I got home to feed him, but I thought that while I was out, I would stop by Target (they're having a good sale on diapers & wipes). As long as I was stopping, I figured I would just feed Ryan before I went into Target. Well, as I was turning onto our street, I saw a small fire rescue truck pull out in front of me. I thought someone had lost a cat up a tree or something stupid like that. As I kept driving, a big fire truck passed me. My heart started beating faster. I've been a little sleep-deprived lately and I've been doing REALLY stupid things (I won't mention them, so I won't make any of you panic). So I started thinking if I had left anything on in the house when I left earlier. I couldn't think of anything, so I felt fine. However, as I turned the bend on our street, I saw a couple cop cars in the cul-de-sac and in front of our house and half the neighborhood was standing around our front yard. My heart jumped to my throat and almost started to cry. I couldn't remember leaving anything on, but clearly I had since the commotion was happening at our house. As I got out of the van, one of our neighbors told me she was so glad I hadn't been home. That really got me scared. Well, apparently, a car that had been parked up the street had its emergency brake slip, and since the street slopes downhill to us, the car had driven off our cliff. Our next door neighbor had just pulled their broken-down Jeep into their driveway and since we were gone, the van wasn't in the driveway. You can see from the pictures below, that the car slid down the hill, ran over our neighbor's mailbox, across our yard, between our one & only tree and the house, and then down the hill. Had I not stopped at Target, we would have been home and our van either would have gotten crushed in on the side, or, worse yet, since the groceries were packed around the kids, I would have been gettng the groceries out with the kids still in the van and seen the car rolling but not be able to get the kids out in time. Anyway, thankfully, no one was in the car and no one got hurt. As you can see from the picture, the car was brought out of the ditch and, thanks to the humongously large weeds in the ditch, there is virtually no damage done to the front end of the car. (Don't forget, you can enlarge the pictures by clicking on them.)

the view from Lauren's room
the car on the way out of the ditch

Down the hill- when they towed the car out, they brought some pipes up with it.

This is the view from the crash site. Had we been home, it would have drilled the van.

I think the poor bird had a heart attack watching the car go down the hill. Actually, I have no idea when he died, I just found him there today.

These are the broken pipes that I hope aren't for the water main.


Kelley said...

Wow! What a story! I'm thankful none of you were hurt!!!

Dan said...

Wow! Glad you are all okay. God works in mysterious ways. But I'm confused (you already knew that) about the guardian angels with broken wings?????

Kari said...

Thank the Lord you, Lauren and Ryan were not hurt! That is an amazing story. Thanks for posting!

Sher said...

Praise the Lord you weren't home or in the area when that happened.