Friday, June 02, 2006

Two months

Sunday was Ryan's two month birthday. He had his checkup on the 26th. He is 22" (15th percentile), weighs 10 lbs 4 oz (19th percentile), and his head is a massive 15 1/2" (32.5 percentile). The bottom line, he's a short, chubby kid with a big head. Actually, he's not that bad, his double-chin just makes him look really chubby. He's doing alright at night. Some nights are better than others.


Kari said...

SO PRECIOUS!!!! he is adorable! We cannot WAIT to meet him!!

Sher said...

He's so cute. That's great that he doesn't have any problems with putting the weight on. Can't wait to see him.

Dan said...

Thanks Susan for keeping us up to date. Glad you're all feeling better!