Earstwhile, after braving the world of haircutting, we (my mom and I) embarked on the brave adventure of potty training.....I'll pass on the comments on who we were potty training. The first day, Lauren had to go so bad, she was actually tightening ther stomach muscles to keep the "stinky" in. However, almost 3 hours later, we heard that joyous sound that only parents & grandparents can appreciate. Now, she is doing better. Every once in a while, she gets a little nervous to let everything go, but all in all, it's not bad. She's only had a couple accidents where we couldn't make it to the potty in time, but she tried. I was just too slow. Oh well. Happy flushings to all.

Yeah for Lauren! Love her haircut too! Haircut for a penny? really?!
yah, this place tries to suck you in to their overpriced universe. They get you with the whole "baby's-1st-haircut-is-a-penny" thing and then after that, it's $10 for kids up to age 2, $14 to age 4, $17 to age 10, etc.... Oh well. I got my money's worth out of the haircut. :)
cute post title!
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