Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lauren's first post

Lauren bonked her head pretty good this morning. It started bleeding a lot & I couldn't tell if she needed stiches or not. The dr. said that she did a pretty good job on the cut. It was a nice straight line, so it would heal nicely and with no stiches required, just that glue stuff.

Also, Lauren always tries to get on the computer when I put in a new post, so I thought I'd let her try her hand at the writing process.

s h-fjjdh lplpllll lajren lkkjkovkpcpxc[cp;vpvl

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Kelley said...

Yeah!!!! You're getting her into blogging already?! Excellent! ;)

My Middle Age Moments said...

Laurens post looks similiar to a lot of the signs I see on the street here. Could she come interpret for me please? :-)

Glad she is ok, since she is in my stubborn girl camp she will bounce back from even the hardest hits...she will then need something chocolate...maybe that will come later? :-)

The SC Elwarts said...

Lauren's "owie" is "a'be'er" now. (For those without toddlers, her owie is all better.) And Carol, I'll thank you very much to never mention that "chocolate" word around my dnaughter. :) There's only so many things that I can share and I'm not sure that I want to share my chocolate. Good grief. I already have to share my ice cream with her, isn't that enough? Nobody told me I would have to share this much if I was going to be a parent. :)