Lauren bonked her head pretty good this morning. It started bleeding a lot & I couldn't tell if she needed stiches or not. The dr. said that she did a pretty good job on the cut. It was a nice straight line, so it would heal nicely and with no stiches required, just that glue stuff.
Also, Lauren always tries to get on the computer when I put in a new post, so I thought I'd let her try her hand at the writing process.
Also, Lauren always tries to get on the computer when I put in a new post, so I thought I'd let her try her hand at the writing process.
s h-fjjdh lplpllll lajren lkkjkovkpcpxc[cp;vpvl
sdldshjjhslkiq yoooou mhuuuuuuuuutt tuty, ';.o.;;; vu;dd fr5mn, 0,'M ,m9mERBh ur cmigKsk vk ./. ,z M fti mmm jjmgjgkddpp 7777&&&&&&ttttttttttttttttttttttttttzzzzzzzzzvcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
mccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccd rot4 c, ,;l fbbk
kljlkj;miuy I h yu000000000

Yeah!!!! You're getting her into blogging already?! Excellent! ;)
Laurens post looks similiar to a lot of the signs I see on the street here. Could she come interpret for me please? :-)
Glad she is ok, since she is in my stubborn girl camp she will bounce back from even the hardest hits...she will then need something chocolate...maybe that will come later? :-)
Lauren's "owie" is "a'be'er" now. (For those without toddlers, her owie is all better.) And Carol, I'll thank you very much to never mention that "chocolate" word around my dnaughter. :) There's only so many things that I can share and I'm not sure that I want to share my chocolate. Good grief. I already have to share my ice cream with her, isn't that enough? Nobody told me I would have to share this much if I was going to be a parent. :)
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