Wednesday, September 27, 2006

the best of friends

Lauren & Emma have matching outfits, so Lori & I took the girls to get their pictures taken last Friday. As you can see, they had a great time, although it was quite challenging. Have you ever tried to get two 2 year olds to sit still and look at the camera at the same time for long enough to get a picture?


Sher said...

Looks like they did a pretty good job. Very cute pictures.

Amber said...

do you have picture membership somewhere? you get a lot of pictures (love them!).

The SC Elwarts said...

These ones were done at Penneys, and they have their $4 sheets coupons. The other pictures are taken at The Picture People. I get coupons in the mail for free sheets at Picture People. I don't get all of them, obviously, but they'll email you the pictures from the sitting, which I then upload. Howeve, to answer your question, yes, as a gift, I have memberships at Penneys and Picture People.

Kari said...

These pictures are adorable! In Fact, all of the pictures you post are! Thank you for posting them!!

Kari said...

And, Happy Birthday Lauren!!!!