Thursday, September 28, 2006

Lauren's room

A while ago, I said that I would take pictures of Lauren's new room, but I was waiting until I was done decorating it. However, it's going to be a while before it's done. I still want to paint pink & white alternating vertical stripes on the "short" walls topped by a border that matches the curtains. Also, I have to get a mirror and paint it to match the letters for her name. Anyway, if I don't do this now, who knows when it'll get done. Except for the toddler bed, all of the furniture is from my childhood.

The view from the door.

These are the fish that Lauren got for her birthday. Unfortunately, though, as I write this, one of the fish has taken the "eternal flush." For those curious, the fishes names are Fish 1, Fish 2, Fish 3, Fish 4, and Fish 5. (Although, Fish 4 is no longer with us.) Fish 1 and Fish 2 are goldfish (the larger ones), while Fish 3 and Fish 5 are platties, whatever those are. Lauren absolutely LOVES her fish.

The tank looks blue in this picture, but it's actually a really pretty purple. The fish in order from L to R are: Fish 3, Fish 5, Fish 2, and Fish 1


christina said...

wow! you've got a great decorating eye! the stripes will look GREAT. very cute.

The SC Elwarts said...

Thanks. It's all coincidental that it all goes. I made the curtains before I had bedding. Then, I found the babyish stuff at Babies R Us (you can't see it very well, but there's some hot pink in the flowers & some pink & white gingham in the pattern), which happened to go. The topper, though, was the "big girl" stuff which was being clearanced at Target. What would I do without that store?

Anonymous said...

The room looks awesome! But sorry to hear about Fish 4. Sydney is loving her fish, too, but 1 of hers has also gone on to the great fish tank in the sky, so we're down to 1. She was about as creative as Lauren in naming them: "1 fishy" and "2 fishy". Of course, now it's just "fishy".

The SC Elwarts said...

An FYI if you want more fish, Petsmart has the regular size goldfish for 12 cents, while WalMart charges 24.