So, this morning, I thought I should feed Ryan, but I thought, "Nah. I'll put Lauren down for her nap first. Then, I'll feed Ryan and put him down for a nap." As I was putting her down, I noticed Ryan had fallen asleep while watching the Today show. Apparently, the reflection from Al Roker was too much for Ryan to handle.

I really miss watching Good Mornng America..The Today Shows competition :-) so I understand why he fell asleep. If it were Charlie Gibson he would have stayed awake...change shows mom. :)
That is so darlin'!!!
Once Merideth Viera joins the Today show, I'll probably stop watching it, but until then..... My alternate to Today is The Early Show on CBS. Diane Sawyer drives me nuts, that's why I don't think I could watch GMA. Who knows, though. We'll see. :)
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