Monday, July 09, 2007

Happy belated 4th of July

Well, this is almost a week late, but happy 4th of July. We spent the day working on the house. Scott did the yard (mowed, edged, mulched, etc) and I painted our two bathrooms. (We'll have to see about pictures of them. I'm not too sure how I feel about one of the rooms.) Our hard work was followed by a trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond to get a shower gift while Scott got some stuff for work. We then had James over for dinner and fireworks. Pretty uneventful, but profitable. However, as I spent Tuesday night and Wednesday painting, I learned a few lessons. I'd like to share them with you.
1. Just because your paint chip looks great in the bathroom & the guy at Home Depot custom creates the paint to exactly match the chip, it doesn't mean that the color looks good in the room.
2. Painting in an unventilated room can make you nauseous.
3. The higher the paint falls, the easier it is to clean off of linoleum.
4. Paint dries really quickly around really hot light bulbs.
5. It burns your skin if your forearm accidentally touches said light bulbs.
6. The guys that built our house were morons. (I then found out later that they were actually using the house across the street to get high. Our neighbor, who was the 1st one in the subdivision, said that she always smelled marijuana. Who knows.)
7. The guys who built our house couldn't use a level to get a straight line.

These are just some of the lessons I learned. I could bore you with more, but I think I've said enough.

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