Monday, October 02, 2006

Lauren 24 months or 2 years

Thursday was Lauren's 2nd birthday. It's hard to believe that she is already 2. It seems like just yesterday that we were blissfully living in the apartment with no extra mouths to feed, except our cat. As I look back over these last 2 years, I can't help but be amazed at God's goodness to us. He has taught me that He really does know everything about us before we know what's going to happen. I call Lauren my "little helper" partially because she tries to help me do every little thing around the house, but also because it reminds me of God's mercy when I was deathly sick with H.E.L.P. syndrome (and that was just the start of everything.) I know that Lauren wasn't that premature, but still, I had my concerns about her health in the back of my head. However, the only "problem" that Lauren seems to have is an abundant amount of energy, and with parents like us, I don't think there was any avoiding that.

Anyway, on Thursday, I took Lauren to get her last paid haircut. (I have issues paying more for my 2 year-old daughter's hair cut than my own. After this, I'll be braving the world of scissors and combs.) That night, we met up with the Larsens at Cold Stone. Apparently, Lauren's birthday coincides with their Make-A-Wish day. They were giving away a free scoop of ice cream to everyone. Well, we were going to give Lauren her presents, but by the time we got home, most of her sugar buzz had wasted away, so she went to bed. It was pretty uneventful and relaxing, quite the polar opposite of her.

On a side note, the lady curled Lauren's hair before we left the salon, but by the time we got home, it was straight. Unfortunately, I think she's stuck with my fine, thin hair that doesn't hold anything.

She always enjoys the jelly beans and balloon from the salon.

Mmm... nothing like a little sugar to make you say yum.

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